Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Note to self, we need to come back

Right now we are all spending time together because it is our second to last night in Guyana with Anthony and his amazing family and friends. Time has gone by so fast and yet I feel like a part of me has found a piece of home here, I think we all feel that way.

This afternoon we split into two groups. We all seemed a little rundown after leaving Palms for the last time today, and saying goodbye to our friends, whose hurt and joy was felt in out brief conversations with such warm hearted men and women. Our hearts are a little broken. But the late afternoon promised another memorable experience among some very wonderful boys and girls. A few of the students went to the smaller orphange Rumsvelt orphanage and brought bags of books to so many happy children, it made me wish we could bring some books to the larger public orphange (but we brought some cherished stuffed animals). At the public orphanage a few of us were talking to two girls Nadia and Akesha,they are 13 and 15. They explained to us that there were no books in the building and that their school did not have a library or one nearby. It is in moments like this where we are constantly reminded of the beautiful gifts and opportunities that are available to us in our lives back home, but are missing in the everyday lives of these kids. 

The children at the orphanages chase us, fall asleep in arms, sit in our laps as we read them stories, they sing to us, and they laugh with us as they braid our hair, they hang onto our legs, holding our hands, and telling us some secrets; they are brave, beautiful and kind and all we want for them is to feel loved and happy. Its painful to leave them because we never want them to feel another wave of hurt in their young life, things we cannot begin to imagine. their smiles and hugs and willingness to talk to us is so incredibly special. Anthony explained to us that like him, the children learn that while bad things happen there are always good moments that make them feel loved and better and those good moments can help overcome the bad moments. It is just as important in feeling the hurt while feeling the joy. Everyone  I have met and gotten to know here has made me think about what it means to care for others and to be there for them in so many different ways. All the people here have inspired me to look past myself and get to know the other: in the quiet of listening to others, in the laughter of playing games with children, and in the grace of leaving and continuing what we learned when we leave one home and go back to another.

peace love and Guyana!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sentiments , so sorry you all have to leave but I am sure you will carry this time in your hearts forever .
